Bringing Breath to Life

Bringing Breath to Life

Will Johnson speaks with Joanna about: Rumi and the practice of eye gazing; remembering the great wide open throught the felt presence of body and breathing; cannabis, an ally in waking up the vibratory presence of the body; cannabis and the spontaneous dance of Shiva; surrendering to breath and awakening the body; the real value of entheogens; the holding pattern of the egoic mind in the body; breath as the common practice to experience the sacred in the three Abrahamic traditions; Buddha’s instruction for breathing through the whole body; the somatic, palpable experience of oneness of the founders of monotheistic religions; a somatic meditation.

The Genesis of Now

The Genesis of Now

Richard Doyle speaks with Joanna about: a life-changing meeting with ayahuasca; transcendental experiences in the classroom; the hijacking of nondual experience by institutionalized religion; detoxifying the patriarchal missapropriation of the Bible; a journey to discover our essential unity with the Divine; reading a text with complicity like a weaving and a dancing; “look within and find your inner banana peel”; remembering our radical intimacy with each other; the joyful work of claiming our freedom.

Diamonds from Heaven

Diamonds from Heaven

Chris Bache speaks with Joanna about: the straightforward description of a 20 year journey working with LSD following Stanislav Grof’s protocol; the process of writing down a cosmological adventure; in service of the Great Mother; the meaning of suffering in deep psychedelic exploration and in our evolutionary journey; one of the strongest and recurring themes in this exploration; humanity is approaching a collective awakening; we are built for accelerated evolution, the birth of the Diamond Soul and the Future Human; communing with the mystery of the Beloved; the connection between cosmic love and living oneness; reincarnation and the Diamond Soul; becoming a conscious participant with the mind of the Earth.

A Vital Paradigm for the Future

A Vital Paradigm for the Future

Thomas Roberts speaks with Joanna about: a course on “psychedelic renaissance”; “mindapps” and “mind design”; psychedelics as “ideagens”; the religious use of psychedelics and a new religious reformation; multi-state theory of the human mind, problem-solving and development in different mindbody states; other forms of intelligence in other mindbody states; rare, unusual, even impossible things for our ordinary mindbody state might be symptoms of a deeper and wider reality; mystical experiences and the increase of psychophysical wellness; ayahuasca takes the lead; transcendence is the real healing.

Gaia and Psyche

Gaia and Psyche

Andrew Fellows speaks with Joanna about: Anthropocene, the damage we are inflicting to the planet; the paralel between James Lovelock’s Gaia theory and Carl Jung’s theory of the psyche; the panpsychist view, on the rise; identifying the 3 mechanisms that block our transition to a regenerative culture; discovering Deep Ecology; the unique quest for wholeness, not perfection; the ecological religion of shinto; numinous encounters in Japan and Peru; psychedelics and the profound affinity for trees; evil as absence of goodness versus active principle; the essence of frugality; Brexit, the denial mode of nostalgia; the Chinese story of the bird that grew bigger and bigger..; unus mundus, the underlying unity of mind and matter; the wall of patriarchy and the rebalancing of the feminine, Greta Thunberg, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jacinta Arden; ecological crisis and meaningful suffering; joining the dots of individuation and deep ecology.

The First Psychedelic

The First Psychedelic

Mike Jay speaks with Joanna about: a history of the first psychedelic; a long history before Aldous Huxley’s “The Doors of Perception”: Chavín de Huántar, in the Peruvian Andes; the difference between Western approaches and indigenous approaches to these plants; collective, ecstatic bonding; the difference between Huxley and Sartre experiences with mescaline; being with the transfigured world, here and now; Merleau’Ponty and the embodied psychedelic experience; the difference between mescaline and the other psychedelics; the male bias in the Western psychedelic literature; a new generation of women in the psychedelic world; finding a solution beyond the war on drugs; meeting the plants in their own terms.