Women, Nature and Justice

Women, Nature and Justice

Nina Simons speaks with Joanna about: women, Nature and justice; guided by relational intelligence, delight and love; deep inquiry into racial equity; Nature is the Sacred; diversity and indigenous wisdom; an untapped resource, the capacity for women to grow each other into leadership piercing the shell of white privilege; diversity and resilience; the challenge of reimagining ourselves as part of this cosmic dance; transition into relationship economy; the nexus that makes us unstoppable; ritual creates relationship; imagining everyday the world we want.

Future Sacred

Future Sacred

Julie Morley speaks with Joanna about: interspecies intersubjectivity; a life-changing meeting with Thomas One Wolf; the indigenous enphasis on right relations throughout the world; a beautiful cycle of attuning and revelation from the more than human world; the intimacy of interbeing; thinking in partnership with other ways of knowing; the two meanings of awe; retrieving the embodied sacred; a shift away from anthropocentrism into partipatory awakening; we need multicultural, multispecies cities; learning from crows and ravens; singing the radical song of enchantment.

Reimagining Death

Reimagining Death

In this week’s episode Lucinda Herring speaks with Joanna about: recovering our relationship with nature is recovering our conscious relationship with death; trusting our intuition when planning for our end of life; other choices for after death care, more ecologically minded and more humane; a good after death is like a seed; allowing the river of grieving to move us forward; doing our work as a caregiver to ease the transition of dying; sacred listening in the moment of transition; transforming the fear around death; the sacred right to care for our loved ones after death is women-led; the Death with Dignity Movement; partnering with Nature when we die.

Women of Visionary Art

Women of Visionary Art

David Jay Brown and Rebecca Ann Hill speak with Joanna about: Bringing together women of visionary art; tapping into the witch burnings; rising of the feminine energy; differences between visionary art and psychedelic art; the influence of indigenous philosophies in Western visionary art; psychedelic experience and ecological awareness; variety of responses of women about the creative process; boundary dissolution in art and psychedelic work; live painting, visionary women painting in community; visionary art is a catalyst and translation from numinous dimensions.

Spiritual Democracy

Spiritual Democracy

Steven Herrmann speaks with Joanna about: William Everson and the poet as a medicine person; Whitman and being in love with the Earth; an arch of spiritual freedom, from William James to the sixties; the human shadow and the destruction of the environment; the influence of Native American spirituality in the founding of American democracy; the competing myths in the collective American psyche;; Herman Melville; “Moby Dick” and the foreseeing of same sex marriage; the early American poets and the liberation of Eros; the vocational dreams from Nature; practices for spiritual democracy.

The Wisdom of the Body

The Wisdom of the Body

Mary Mueller Shutan speaks with Joanna about: the body deva, the consciousness of the body; healing personal and transpersonal trauma, becoming aware of our cultural conditioning and reconciling with our animal selves; ancestral trauma and spiritual awakening; the impact of micro-trauma and the inner child; engaging with the wisdom of the body; healing the victim and the perpetrator within; remembering the continuum we inhabit; the central myth of our lives; an integrated spiritual awakening is an embodiment process; healing the connection between the heart, the uterus and the Earth; the root of who we are.