Peace from the Soil

Peace from the Soil

Emmanuel Karisa Baya speaks with Joanna about: a prayer answered from the soil; his beginnings as a farmer; learning to listen to the soil from the heart; feeling the love from the soil; creating the Magarini Children Center & Organic Demonstration farm; the soil will let you know what to do; from traditional farming to learning organic farming in Japan; natural crop protection; children learning that loving the soil is loving ourselves; supporting 252 children and families; asking the soil for water in a long draught; learning conflict resolution at the Deep Democracy Institute; the singing of the plants; recreating the broken relationaship with nature through the trees; singing back peace.

Life is Art

Life is Art

Stepehen Nachmanovitch speaks with Joanna about: interdependence, the source of improvising; the poetic genius of Thich Nhat Hanh, emptiness is interbeing; the dance of the secular and the sacred; fluidity makes things new; breathing and time; the gateway to living life as art; mistakes create extraordinary things; the circularity of leadership; allowing oneself to have a fresh perception of objects or processes; the life-affirming power of beauty; how an experimental musician changed a small town for the better; life is art itself.

Radical Authenticity

Radical Authenticity

Leslie M Browning speaks with Joanna about: learning to move forward with traumatic experiences; healing is a journey; making meaning out of the loss; connected in vulnerability; the healing magic and beauty of the Southwest; the solace and nurturance of the “wild silence”; embracing our complexity; the daily practice of radical acceptance; poetry and memoir, soul and life journey; sharing our stories in the radical authenticity community.

The Ecstasy of Nature

The Ecstasy of Nature

Steven Herrmann speaks with Joanna about: an American poet shoulder to shoulder with Walt Whitman; a traiblazer of women’s rights; the importance of listening to our own authentic voice; the integrity of language; a visionary of ecstatic states through language and Nature; she expanded the understanding of our embeddedness in the complexity of Earth and its natural rhythms; tasting an ecstatic elixir in the garden; bringing a female voice to spiritual democracy; a breaker of all bounds of normative stereotypes; a brave explorer of consciousness; the resurrection of the world.

Gratitude Changes Everything

Gratitude Changes Everything

Evelyn Rysdyk speaks with Joanna about: Bhumi Devi, a divine feminine being called Earth; a mythopoetic image for supporting Mother Earth; embraced by the Earth family and the Cosmos; a very tangible connection to the deepest ancestors; the longing for re-membering Nature and each other; the elder role of a spiritual tradition; the sense of caring in Nepalese culture; a joyful expression of the sanctity of life; the soulwork of changing our perception; celebrating the sensory world and the wider world surrounding it; altering our trajectory in a joyful way; the gift of gratitude to Nature.

Freeing Mystery

Freeing Mystery

Judith Blackstone speaks with Joanna about about: the natural experience of fundamental consciousness; trauma and the constrictions in our body; the ripening of our humanness; the increasing recognition of the importance of embodiment in contemporary spirituality; opening ourselves to a blend of love, awareness and physical sensation; the spontaneous arising of self-love deep within; “form is emptiness, emptiness is form” describes the permeability of consciousness; the gateway of the central channel; the healing property of fundamental consciousness; a lifetime of embodied exploration; her mysterious healing experience; a breathing meditation in the core of ourselves.