Restoring the Soul After War

Restoring the Soul After War

In this week’s episode, Ed Tick speaks with Joanna about his newest book, “Warrior’s Return”: meaningful rites of passage in our society; main factors for joining th military; one of the main reasons that Vietnamese veterans do not suffer from PTSD; a poignant conversation with a Sergeant at the airport; heling the Post-traumatic Social Disorder; initiation to the inner warrior archetype; guiding and supporting the warrior’s return...
The Power to Love the World

The Power to Love the World

In this week’s episode, Tim Ward speaks with Joanna about the book he has co-authored with Shai Tubali, “Indestructible You”: dissolving the myth of the broken self; “we are a manifestation of that stream of energy”; mastering one’s will in service to creativity; embracing our weakness; inner and outer power; finding and recognizing true will; becoming conscious of our primal narrative; the yoga of relationship.   Tim Ward...
Experiencing Life Without Mediation

Experiencing Life Without Mediation

In this week’s episode, Ken Cohen speaks with Joanna about Daoism: more than philosophy and religion:origins and influences, key figures, branches, sacred places; a timeless tradition relevant for our times; a celebration of life; meeting Alan Watts, Zen and Daoism; painting the world with ancient Daoist poetry; Confucianism and patriarchy; a holistic way of life; preserving the Feminine and maintaining the balance; Daoist precepts, a different kind of...
The Song That Dances Us

The Song That Dances Us

In this week’s episode, Bayo Akomolafe speaks with Joanna about: the pilgrimage to the wildness of things; looking for buried possibilities, beyond the single story of development; connected to Gaia in ways that transcend paradigms and belief systems; the space of slowing down an waiting; the recognition of the power and agency of the Earth; we need each other more than ever;  a different kind of activism; un-schooling ourselves by learning from our...
The Cosmos in the Heart

The Cosmos in the Heart

In this week’s episode, Renn Butler speaks with Joanna about archetypal astrology and the transpersonal journey: Pluto’s heart and Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey”; a consistent, meaningful connection between planetary alignments and our emotional and psychological experiences; Stan Grof and Rick Tarnas: perinatal matrices and the archetypes; archetypal astrology as useful adjunct to understanding our own process and giving support...
The Healthy Conscious Traveler

The Healthy Conscious Traveler

In this week’s episode, Robyn Benson speaks with Joanna about basic, essential things we can do for an optimal experience when traveling: a soul calling for becoming a healer; the frequency traveler: taking care of the electric body; protecting the digestive system; taking responsibility for health; the importance of good hydration; earthing: back to our roots; lack of sleep and obesity; listening to the true rhythms of our bodies; bringing own’s food...