Our Maternal Lineage

Our Maternal Lineage

Cathy Skipper and Florian Birkmayer speak with Joanna about: the need for healing our ancestral story; plant communication and ancestral lineage; the feminine rising in the embodied energy of our mother lineage; finding out who we are beyond trauma; the alchemy of menopause; the wounding of the feminine in men; the healing of the masculine and feminine in relationship; the synchronistic dance of working with the shadow and finding ancestral information; reconnecting with the palpable, nurturing earth energy of our ancestors.

Finding A Way Home Together

Finding A Way Home Together

Dougald Hine speaks with Joanna about: the genesis of the Dark Mountain project and the manifesto “Uncivilization”; facing the darkness about climate change and going beyond; recovering a sense of how to be a shelter to each other; facing the shadow of cultural poverty in our wealthy culture and finding a way home together; the everyday practice of hospitality and conviviality; the sacred emerging in a space that allows the articulation of darkness and despair; cultural rupture and prophetic words; the future begins at a shared table; imagination, politics and the unfinished struggle in our hearts; a hope that lies in the far side of despair; remembering the truth of initiation into adulthood as a culture.

The Path of Primordial Light

The Path of Primordial Light

Zvi Ish-Shalom speaks with Joanna about: the vast ground of our primordial nature; the direct experience of the Mystery itself; words and the mysticism of sound; healing together the scroll of humankind; his most profound experience of compassion; we are cells of the Earth being; waking up and waking down, the two poles of the spiritual path; the Celestial Mother and the journey of the individual soul; the Path of Primordial Light.

El Tiempo Está Vivo

El Tiempo Está Vivo

Gabriela Jurosz-Landa habla con Joanna acerca de:: una temprana afinidad con la cultura Maya; otra concepción del tiempo en la cultura Maya…y en la antigua cultura europea; el trágico resultado de la desconexión con la naturaleza en la cultura occidental; el calendario Maya Cholqui’j; el sentido cualitativo del tiempo; el día de nuestro nacimiento tiene una resonancia energética concreta con la naturaleza; todo está vivo y comunica con nosotros; “el que conoce su pasado conoce su futuro”; vivir armonizados con la esencia original.

El Tiempo Está Vivo

The Aliveness of Time

Gabriela Jurosz-Landa speaks with Joanna about: the cycles of time and 2012; the concrete, qualitative aliveness of time for the Maya culture; the day we were born determines our animal guardian vibration; a vivid , rich ecology of time; transcendence and transformation through Nature, prayer and vibrant ceremony; communicating with the qualities of time; the initiation process to becoming a Maya daycounter; asking for wisdom from the numinous forces; opening doors through lifting our heart; the place of women in Maya culture and spirituality; opening to new possibilities as a human beings.

A Bursting Heart

A Bursting Heart

Janelle Hardy speaks with Joanna about: breaking through the resistance to write; getting older and letting go of perfectionism; a bursting heart; discovering the mythologies that we’ve been raised in; the taboo of the sensuous; the inarticulate belief systems we inherit; support of the body for writing; an ancestral visitation; lessons from doing carpentry work; tapping into the foundation of those who came before us; the tale of the seal woman, sensitivity and navigating between two worlds.

What We Have Forgotten

What We Have Forgotten

Meggan Watterson speaks with Joannna about: Mary Magdalene, a direct connection to the divine; the discovery of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene; a patriarchy-challenging, heart-expanding form of Christianity; the electryfiyng truth in “Thunder, Perfect Mind”; a personal quest and act of devotion; love and the ultimate and radical equality; the sacredness of Earth; finding the naked truth in all the suppressed voices of women; facing the genocide caused by the shadow of Christianity; the vibrant, embodied gnosis of love; waking up from the seven powers in the ego; what we have forgotten; coming home to love.

Falling in Love with Love

Falling in Love with Love

Loch Kelly speaks with Joanna about: effortless mindfulness, a shift of identity into a more natural level of mind; a direct method of awakening similar in all the wisdom traditions around the world; a democratic, immediate way of shifting into awake awareness; childhood glimpses into a dimension of interconnected, loving, embodied presence; practising awareness yoga; the unique paradox of this approach; a guided glimpse of effortless mindfulness; “small glimpses, many times”; feeling the pain of the world from a boundless tenderness; simple, elegant doorways to freedom; falling in love with love.

Finding Authenticity

Finding Authenticity

Tanya Constantine speaks with Joanna about: memoir as catharsis; who is Eddie Constantine?; an American in Paris; a difficult childhood; a testament to the resilience of the human spirit; being the child of a celebrity; looking for authenticity; a long process of clearing pain and trauma; searching for the truth of one’s identity; the medicine of MDMA; becoming a finder; grounding with the Earth and the Sun; relaxing into who you are; a balance between doing and being; competing with Frank Sinatra and Charles Aznavour; trying to understand.

The Natural State of Being

The Natural State of Being

Jan Van Ysslestyne speaks with Joanna about: the Ulchi culture, people of Eastern Siberia; Doro, an ancient Daoist way of being in the world; technology also comes from Nature; an ancient oral history coming back to Neolithic times; the natural art and skill of shamanizing; an intimate relationship with Nature and the Universe; Nature as a system of complementary and cooperative experience; the paradox of individuation and connection; play, the most important thing that is; everything is a verb; healing is the singing; an ocean of fascinating creation myths; restoring the life force of the soul; natural, effortless perceiving through silent feeling; a spontaneous song by Grandfather Misha.