Diversity’s Embrace

Diversity’s Embrace

In this week’s episode Mi’Jan Celie Tho-Biaz speaks with Joanna about: storytelling and social change; connecting the heart to the head to the hands; where intimacy resides; embracing the mess; the Prison Birth Project: banishing the inhumane practice of giving birth shackled; the gift of living in Brazil; the generosity of Mexican culture; the richness of slow traveling; the new social media and the oppression of the Black American community; the...
Something is Afoot

Something is Afoot

In this week’s episode Priscilla Stuckey speaks with Joanna about: intimacy with the land; aligning our lives to what we live in Nature;  authoritarian roots of Western culture and the cooperative model of Nature; the feminist commitment to people’s own sovereignty; instinct, the inborn wisdom of Spirit inside each being; the loving awareness of Life flows through us all; a spirituality deeper than words; kissed by  a fox; the heart at the nature of...
Communing with the Living Language

Communing with the Living Language

In this week’s episode Andrea Mathieson speaks with Joanna about: a prophetic invitation to work with the plants; listening to the pulse of life; learning an enlivened language of poetic connection; flower essences: an open door to the resonance of heart-knowing with Nature; communing with snake energy; reenchanting ourselves; using sound as a homeopathic frequency for healing people and the land; singing with Gaia: EarthSong Mysteries. Andrea Mathieson is...
Reclaiming Food as a Commons

Reclaiming Food as a Commons

In this week’s episode, Vandana Shiva speaks with Joanna before her lecture “We are all seeds of abundance and creativity”, organized by the Sustainability Studies Program at UNM on October 13, 2015.   Vandana Shiva, a world-renowned environmental thinker, activist, physicist, feminist, philosopher of science, writer and science policy advocate, is the Director of The Research Foundation for Science, technology and Natural Resource Policy....
The Tastes of Life

The Tastes of Life

In this week’s episode Marsha Scarbrough speaks with Joanna about the experiences that led to the writing of her book “Honey in the River”: Ifá, a religion of complexity; drumming and dance as meditation; meeting Yoruba spirituality; introducing the orishas; lessons of living polygamy; the diversity of relationship; living in balance ith the archetypes; embracing the tastes of life.   Marsha Scarbrough is a freelance journalist, who has had...