Take Back the Internet
An Interview with Jean M. Russell

January 5, 2018

Interview by
Joanna Harcourt-Smith

In this week’s episode Jean M. Russell speaks with Joanna about: Holo, a thrivable technology; differences between blokchain and Holochain; getting back to the internet experience of connecting with others; an ecosystem in the web; exploring the decentralized internet without much tech know-how; envisioning a world where technology supports the experience of small human communities; a system based in nature and our human choices as humans; a platform that promotes evolutionary development, the way ants move and explore; holofuel, rewarded in cryptocurrency by bringing user-controlled applications.


Jean M. Russell is a social ecosystem designer, culture hacker, and facilitator. As a founder of the Thrivability movement and expert on collective thriving, Jean speaks to and with change agents, innovators, and edge-riders around the world. In 2013, Jean published “Thrivability: Breaking Through to a World That Works” with Triarchy Press.  Her work on thrivability, innovation, philanthropy, and cultural shifts has been highlighted in The Economist, Harvard Business Review, and Stanford Social Innovation Review, and Worldchanging. She received an honorable mention on the Enrichlist, as one of the top 200 people of all time “whose contributions enrich paths to sustainable futures.”

Holo Indiegogo Campaign


“I Can’t Sit Still”, original music by Evarusnik

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