The New Voice of an Ancient Spirit
An Interview with Pegi Eyers

March 29, 2020

Interview by
Joanna Harcourt-Smith

In this week’s episode Pegi Eyers speaks with Joanna about: we need to return to our original knowledge; the complexity of reclaiming our pre-colonial culture in American culture; being a Celtic animist; listening to the ancestral trauma; communing with the Earth beings; reweaving the patterns of Western culture; brining together in equality the gifts of human diversity; learning from the traditional indigenous values; the value of bravery and initiation into adulthood; from the “me” to the “we”; participating in a new world coming into being.

Pegi Eyers is the author of “Ancient Spirit Rising: Reclaiming Your Roots & Restoring Earth Community”, a survey on the interface between Turtle island First Nations and the Settler Society, social justice work, allyship theory, white studies, neurodecolonization, sacred land, nature spirituality, earth-emergent healing, and the holistic principles of sustainable living. Pegi self-identifies as a Celtic Animist, and is an advocate for the recovery of authentic ancestral wisdom and traditions for all people. She lives in the countryside on the outskirts of Nogojiwanong in Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg territory (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada), on a hilltop with views reaching for miles in all directions.

“I Can’t Sit Still”, original music by Evarusnik

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