Changing Our Lives

Changing Our Lives

In this week’s episode Don Lattin speaks with Joanna about: why psychedelics are illegal?; the comeback of psychedelic-assisted therapy and entheogenic spirituality; Bill Wilson and his psychedelic experiences; an essential insight from ayahuasca; MDMA-assisted therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder; the double edge of psychedelics as socio-political catalysts; exploring microdosing.

Becoming Gaianeers

Becoming Gaianeers

In this week’s episode David Spangler and Jeremy Berg speak with Joanna about: what is “Gaianeering”, the forthcoming Lorian Summer Conference; participating in an ecology of consciousness; the heart of an incarnational spirituality; learning to live on behalf of the life of the world; Findhorn, an early example of gaianeering; cooperating with the subtle intelligences of Nature; a possibility for broader, new ways of being human; a relationship with Gaia based in love; emergent novelty and love; rediscovering and realigning with our wholeness and the wholeness of the world.

The Women Who Know

The Women Who Know

In this week’s episode Max Dashu speaks with Joanna about: the nectar of ancestral traditions; the sacred meaning of names for the wise women in Europe; demonization of the herbalist women through naming; a whole body of healing practices; life force medicine; seeress in the roof; witches as spiritual leaders; the women who see and know; cultural spells of patriarchy; the colonialist invention of white identity; honoring the indigenous names of the land.

The Invisible Relationships

The Invisible Relationships

In this week’s episode Ralph Abraham speaks with Joanna about: a reciprocal understanding of psychedelic experience and mathematics; connecting with primordial visionary art; meditating in the Himalayas; world history through the lens of chaos theory; a miraculous, historic bifurcation; internet and the fight for democracy; Terence McKenna and 2012; everything we do matters; understanding the world through models of dynamical systems; activating the forces of good; the death track of world history; Hip Santa Cruz, the complexity of collective memory; the evolving global brain.

The Story of the Soul

The Story of the Soul

In this week’s episode Tim Freke speaks with Joanna about: an authentic spirituality for the 21st century; from oneness to individuation, understanding our life journey; a philosophy that embraces science and spirituality; the soul crisis of our time; a mysterious universe; the evolutionary journey of the soul; the potentiality or our deepest Being; the soul-stream; the time where all opposites meet; co-evolution of the inner and physical domains; realizing new potentials on the level of the soul; the next step in the evolutionary process; feeling together the love of conscious oneness; we are the universe becoming conscious of its possibilities.

The Awakening Body

The Awakening Body

In this week’s episode Reginald Ray speaks with Joanna about: Trungpa Rinpoche and the transmission in the West of the deepest Tantric teachings from Tibetan Buddhism; the inherent spirituality of the body; returning to the sanity of direct experience; the natural love of embodied existence; a microcosm of the Universe; entering the somatic realm beyond thinking; feeling deeply the sacredness of human life; trauma recovery and the spiritual path; metaphoric language and the body; awakening to the nourishing and loving presence of the Earth; changing the world through reconnecting with the Earth.