The Enchanted Life

The Enchanted Life

In this week’s episode Hank Wesselman speaks with Joanna about: communicating with Gaia Sophia; his first experiences of enchantment in Central Park; a haunting meeting in Ethiopia; the shamanic worldview; the beginning of a spiritual odyssey; our innate spiritual connection; being dreamed and dreaming the world; a guide from the future; the body soul, direct link to the Higher Self; Nature, the gateway to Spirit; meeting the Goddess at the Dendera shrine....
The Alchemy of Joy

The Alchemy of Joy

In this week’s episode, Nicki Scully speaks with Joanna about: from the Grateful Dead to re-membering Egypt; the new call from an ancient spirituality; neteru, origin of the word “Nature”; magic ia alive; Thoth and the primordial memory; healing and being fully present; a miraculous healing; joy, the natural state of being; the principles of alchemy; the starry field of intelligence; the Heart Breath mediation.   Nicki Scully has been...
A Larger Sense of Meaning

A Larger Sense of Meaning

In this week’s episode Nancy Ellen Abrams speaks  with Joanna about the quest for a spirituality consistent with science; we are meaning-seeking beings; God as our collective emergent identity; the cosmic dance of dark energy and dark matter; a new origin story for a new cosmology; novelty and emergence; the need for a coherent, unifying vision; becoming good ancestors for our descendants.   Nancy Ellen Abrams is a philosopher of science, lawyer, and...
Our Choices Change the World

Our Choices Change the World

In this week’s episode Stephan Schwartz speaks with Joanna about: affirming life, one choice at a time; living in the matrix of life-consciousness; the non local, eternal part of us; climate change and our disconnection from the biosphere; keys to successful and enduring change on personal, societal and global levels; Benjamin Franklin and a hundred years of change; egalitarian hierarchies; we are the agents of change.   Stephan Schwartz is a...
Coffee from the Heart of the World

Coffee from the Heart of the World

Erica Ohliger and Nelson Caraballo speak with Joanna about: honoring the coffee seeds, bringing back the medicine; remembering the life-originating principles; indigenous people, the best conservationists; the Tayrona spiritual ecology of coffee;  contributing to the sacred web of life; Peoples of the Earth Coffee Initiative: spiritually-infused, naturally-grown and exquisite tastig coffee, with a business model devoted to societal, cultural and environmental...
Telling the New Story

Telling the New Story

Tanya Taylor Rubinstein speaks with Joanna about: the story in an embodied way; walking the path of tenacity; a moment of revelation: Spalding Gray’s solo performance; story and spirituality; intimacy and safety in storytelling; solo performance: the key connection with the public; the Global School of Story; teaching the skills of storytelling; radical transformation through storytelling; living the new story of union.   Tanya Taylor Rubinstein is one...