Jamming for Change

Jamming for Change

In this week’s episode Shilpa Jain speaks with Joanna about  her work in YES! as a connector of change. Shilpa Jain currently rooting herself in Oakland/Berkeley, CA, where she serves as the Executive Director of YES!. Prior to taking on this role, Shilpa spent two years as the Education and Outreach Coordinator of Other Worlds and ten years as a learning activist with Shikshantar: The People’s Institute for Rethinking Education and Development, based...
Dying to Know

Dying to Know

On Saturday 10th, at 7 pm, at the Center for Contemporary Arts of Santa Fe (CCA),  Gay Dillingham, director of “Dying to Know”, and Joanna Harcourt-Smith, will present a discussion and Q & A after the screeening of the film. Be there then. In this episode, Gay speaks about the genesis of her film, falling in love with Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert/Ram Dass; “I behold death because it teaches me how to live”; what never dies; inviting...
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Dear Friends, Thank for listening to our podcasts all year round! Back next week with an intimate conversation to bring tenderness and knowing to your hearts and minds.  
Reclaiming the Wild Soul

Reclaiming the Wild Soul

In this week’s episode, Mary Reynolds Thompson speaks with Joanna about: our natural humanness; meeting the wild enchantment; poetry therapy: healing with metaphor; a future primitive; a guided journey through the primal landscapes; the roots of belonging to the earth; the energy of loving aliveness; rediscovering mystery and spontaneity in our relationships; exploring the reunion of  our roots and our future. Mary Reynolds Thompson is an author, facilitator...
Medicines of Interbeing

Medicines of Interbeing

In this week’s episode, Oliver Hockenhull speaks with Joanna about: entheogens as cultural medicines; Aldous Huxley: a holistic intelectual; a longer version of his film “Neurons to Nirvana” to be released soon; societal healing: towards a culture of empathy and imagination; his new project “Ctizen Planet: The Meaning of Interbeing”; the algorithm of evolution; slowing down and recognizing our interconnectedness. Oliver Hockenhull...
The Longing to Connect

The Longing to Connect

In this week’s episode, Kosha Joubert speaks with Joanna about the longing to connect with the land; her first experience of intentional community in Nature; the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN): buliding conversations between cultures; the sense of not-knowing and deep listening; conflict as “evolutionary tension”; ecological and emotional composting; the four dimennsions of sustainability; an ancient future: celebrating each other’s...