A Place of Beautiful Possibility

A Place of Beautiful Possibility

In this week’s episode Pat McCabe speaks with Joanna about: We need a radical course-correction; the oppression of Native American culture, we were born in Beauty; big changes in our current lifestyle; healing shame, opening to grace; we are in a time of pure potential; carried by the Spirit of Life into a place of visioning; learning to trust the Spirit of Life and the Earth community; from despair to surrender; inquiring what we can do in these times; calling upon the wisdom of water; the Human Reunion Ceremonies; the witch hunts as the archetypal wounding of humanity and the healing power of indigenous lineages; the vibration of truth; re-telling the old stories to change the future; ending the deception of the war between men’s nation and women’s nation; re-membering and giving language to the sacred masculine.

In Love with a Living Planet

In Love with a Living Planet

In this week’s episode Charles Eisenstein speaks with Joanna about: the reductionistic mindset versus the interconnected, holistic seeing and feeling; to heal ecologically is to heal psychologically; the dissolution of the sense-making story of America; trusting the pull of a new view of reality; a story that opens our perceptions and our hearts to Gaia; a knowledge that needs to be awakened, not acquired; a tenderness that changes everything; human empathy and ecological empathy.

The Gift of Beauty

The Gift of Beauty

In this week’s episode Day Schildkret speaks with Joanna about: making art out of the impermanent natural world; the language of the cosmos; wandering in wonder; finding the unexpected; how to be in relationship to the place where we are; listening to each other and the land; play and retrieving our sense of wonder and possibility; the journey through making a morning altar; feeding the seen and the unseen; reclaiming the gift of giving; remembering the complex simplicity of being alive.

A Time of Great Awakening

A Time of Great Awakening

Stephen Gray speaks with Joanna about: the 8th Spirit Plant Medicine Conference in Vancouver, a rapid increase in the interest in psychedelics; approaching a time of great awakening for the planet; broadening the discussion with the legalization of cannabis in Canada; frequency and dosage for those exploring cannabis as a spiritual ally; cannabis group ceremonies; trusting the nature of who we really are; an essential part of the consciousness revolution; landing into the now; letting go of non functional pessimism.

Listening to the Plants

Listening to the Plants

In this week’s episode Monica Gagliano speaks with Joanna about: exploring scientifically the acoustic behavior of plants; a dream connection with the Shipibo and teacher plants; dieting and communing with the plant wisdom; a word of gratitude from the plant world; remembering the undivided world; merging with the heart of the sequoia; a mysterious experience with water; exploring a new kind of science; learning from a playful ambassador of the plant world; the Biological Intelligence Lab; realizing that we are the other; a message from the tobacco plant.

Participating in the Mystery

Participating in the Mystery

Jorge Ferrer speaks with Joanna about: Exploring the farther reaches of human nature; a participatory relationship with Nature; navigating a rich combination of cultures; three elements of participatory spirituality, the spiritual dignity of sensual pleasure and sexuality, in radical relation with everything, creative inquiry and individuation; sacred sexuality; Aurobindo’s visionary prophecy of an individuated, realized embodiment of the Divine; re-enchantment of the world and non-religious spirituality; an intense cross-pollination of religious traditions; the prejudice of the patriarchal mindset against entheogens; Eros and embodied spirituality.