Witch Burnings

Witch Burnings

Max Dashu speaks with Joanna about: the long history of women suppression; withcraft accusation for land theft from women; the crusade agains the Cathars; the consolidation of feudalism and the early witch hunts; the influence of the Roman legal code in the Spanish persecutions; the medieval patriarchal mentality in the bound up accusation “witch and whore”; accusations as a tool of control on the female population; the chastity ordeal of fire back to ancient Vedic and Blibical times; the dynamics of scapegoating.

Remembering Ourselves Home

Remembering Ourselves Home

In this week’s episode Toko-pa Turner speaks with Joanna about: the living bridge of belonging; entering into the wound of exile; acknowledging the Death Mother; dreams, Nature through us; tending the inner well; “the world needs our rebellion”; practicing relationship with the natural world; we are pattern-makers, re-storying our lives; becoming protectors of the land.

The New Ecology

The New Ecology

In this week’s episode Oswald Schmitz speaks with Joanna about: Ecosystem engineering, changing how the land functions; the new ecology, using scientific principles to improve the welfare of people and Nature; respecting and celebrating the wild, broader community; designing with recycling in mind; complexity is not complication; health, ecology and politics, becoming more engaged and science-informed citizens; environmental laws, caring for the future generations; approaching the crossroads of climate warming; the ethics of interconnectedness.

New Thinking Allowed

New Thinking Allowed

In this week’s episode Jeffrey Mishlove speaks with Joanna about: William James and the history of parapsychology; Epictetus and our inner freedom; the group mind effect, Roger Nelson and the Global Consciousness Project; esotericism and the the new far-right; his central insight from a lifetime of inquiry; a time with a sense of existential groundedness.

Insights from Biosphere 2

Insights from Biosphere 2

In this week episode Mark Nelson speaks with Joanna Harcourt-Smith and Jacob Aman about: earning the name “biospherian”; Vladimir Vernadsky and the planet-shaping power of life; Biosphere 2, doing whole systems science; “humans are the most unstable element in the ecosystem”; ecotechnics, bringing nature and technoloy into a mutually supportive relationship; longing for a reverential ecology; the dedication of the team overcame the group dynamics in a closed space; breaking the taboos of the reductionist, dispassionate science; the central, optimistic premise of the project; why Biosphere 2 was a threat to the industrial world; regenerating Nature and the human spirit; the visceral recognition of our belonging to the Earth.

The Shimmer of Consciousness

The Shimmer of Consciousness

In this week’s episode Harri Aalto speaks with Joanna about: discovering the shimmer of consciousness; the language of inner experience; the intimate connection of human consciousness and Nature; the pain and challenges of life through an expanded consciousness; the longing of cosmic, earth and human consciousness to be unified; the full range of the senses; developing the potential of human consciousness; the role of understanding for expanding awareness; belonging to a larger reality; the most refined level of consciousness; love and deep understanding, one and the same experience.