The Way of the Horse

The Way of the Horse

In this week’s episode Linda Kohanov speaks with Joanna about: learning from horses how to be powerful in a new way; the power to stand up together and speak our truth in a way that doesn’t demean someone else; horses, relationship before territory; a life-changing encounter with a horse; immature dominant power running amok in our world; understanding sensitive and dominant children; the advantage of multicultural societies; a new world opened through the relationship with her unrideable horse Tabula Rasa; heart breathing and the skills of energy engagement; Buddha was an exceptional horseman; meeting horses changed human culture; developing “emotional heroism” to change the world.

Dreamtime Return

Dreamtime Return

In this week’s episode Steve Roach speaks with Joanna about: A deeper return to the Dreamtime experience; the primordial core of music; listening to the inner sound of the desert; discovering synthesizers as tools for immersion in the soundcurrent; the common ground of didgeridoos and synthesizers; breath awareness, pranic energy and music; the mystery behind and endless soundquest; “the music is the medicine”, creating sacred space for transformation and initiation; discovering the organic aliveness of pre-Hispanic instruments; connecting with the soul tone of the Earth; the intimate, immersive world of of Steve’s concerts; live transmission of the Santa Fe concerts at SomaFM.

The Quantum Revolution

The Quantum Revolution

In this week’s episode Paul Levy speaks with Joanna about: In the middle of a collective nightmare; John Wheeler and the meaning of quantum physics; consciousness has entered the physics lab; the primary substratum of this universe is relational; the Universe is a singularity; the common ground of the outer world and our own minds; changing together the waking dream; an ecology of time; the incredible creative power inside our psyches; the freedom and responsibility of co-creating with reality; the way we observe the universe affects the way it manifests; quantum physics and alchemy; outer and inner activism; quantum physics is a psychedelic medicine.

Dancing with the Unknown

Dancing with the Unknown

In this week’s episode Vera de Chalambert speaks with Joanna about: dancing with the unknown; intimacy with the Mystery; mothers to ourselves; living in the time of disillusionment; the human soul’s calling and the World Soul; being part of a living planet; the nakedness of beautiful losers; life is the Tantric consort; when everything falls apart; the unexpected face of grace; hearts on fire in a time of trouble; the fierce love for our love is rooted in heartbreak; the paradox of wetiko; allowing suffering to speak; stepping into the lineage of Life.

Elderhood in Troubled Times

Elderhood in Troubled Times

In this week’s episode Stephen Jenkinson speaks with Joanna about: the etymology of the word “catastrophe”; the journey of descent into the mysteries of life; the fundamental function of elderhood; being awake as deep engagement; assuming the responsibilities of the sixties generation; the transient nature of leadership; the challenge of elders; the dilemma of mutual respect and responsibility; the love that Life has for us; unconditional gratitude.

Martial Arts and Psychedelics

Martial Arts and Psychedelics

In this week’s episode Richard Haight speaks with Joanna about: his life-changing visions; finding a sustaining meaning; experiencing an inner pull to training in martial and healing arts in Japan; a message from ayahuasca in the Amazon; a relaxed, all-emcompassing awareness; recalling his psychedelic experiences; the call of teonanacatl; set, setting and context: a spiritual warrior approach to psychedelics; following the pull; unconditional love in the martial arts and psychedelics.