A Deep Unified Reality

A Deep Unified Reality

In this week’s episode Jude Currivan speaks with Joanna about: a mystic and scientist walking between the worlds; the Universe, a coherent, unified entity; we are microcosmic co-creators; all reality has a purpose and a meaning; celebrating the diversity of oneness; children of Gaia; divine sparks of the cosmic fire; a dynamic, patterned in-formation of the world; the Big Breath; through the birth pains of a new awareness of reality; an ancient, poetic description of fractals; empowerment from a place of transpersonal awareness and compassion; consciousness and information are taking center stage.

Sacred Soil

Sacred Soil

In this week’s episode Robert Tindall and David Shearer speak with Joanna about: the pre-Columbian Amazonian high civilizations that left their lands more fertile than when they arose; reintroducing ancestral wisdom in the 21st century; biochar, charcoal used for agricultural regeneration; the suppression of the indigenous ways of consciousness in Europe;  bridging the scientific and the indigenous views of the world;  biochar, biomimicry of fire;  “shamanic archaeology”; re-encountering the animistic, multidimensional mode of perception; a vision about the missed possibilities of the meeting of two cultures and the future; the Amazon women of the Amazon.

Ancestral Medicine

Ancestral Medicine

In this week’s episode Daniel Foor speaks with Joanna about: connecting with loving ancestors for healing; becoming an ancestor; experiences of spontaneous ancestral contact; ancestral recovery and soul immunity; ancestors of blood and ancestors of the land; the larger than human web of consciousness; rituals of forgiveness, restorative justice and systemic change; ancestral healing goes in both directions; trees connecting the different worlds; initiating the healing in the ancestral line;  reconnecting with the older, earthy roots of Europeans; the bones of the Earth.

Let the Plants Lead the Way

Let the Plants Lead the Way

In this week’s episode Cathy Skipper and Florian Birkmayer speak with Joanna about: trees as spiritual teachers; the alchemical process of living together; the sense of mystery; being cooked in the alchemical stew; the neurotransmitters of the world soul; teaching as  a soul calling; surrounded by molecules of connection; the microcosm as a fractal of the macrocosm; touching and being touched by Nature; communicating deeper with all the senses;  absorbing the energy of the place; aroma and the sense of smell as guides and teachers; seeing the gold in the dark.

Crying with the Rain

Crying with the Rain

Crying with the Rain An Interview with Jay Dufrechou [date_meta] Interview by Joanna Harcourt-Smith Podcasts / Gaialogues In this week’s episode Jay Dufrechou speaks with Joanna about: opening to the energies of reality; following grief, reconnecting with Nature; feeling the natural rhythms; the many layers of grief; a sense of greater belonging; bringing thinking back into balance; energetic shifts in conflict mediation; Holotropic Breathwork and restoring the...
Moved by Wisdom

Moved by Wisdom

In this week’s episode Deena Metzger speaks with Joanna about her newest novel, “A Rain of Night Birds”: a needed conversation about climate change and the survival of humankind; the dominator mindset; attuned to the Earth and the Universe;  seeing the world like an indigenous woman would; feeling what the Earth feels; Earth as a being; meeting the pain of earth and indigenous people; clearing the sight with tears of grief; receiving the wisdom ways of the wild; the revealers of beauty; being in the elements; writing with an open view.