Gaialogues Archive

gaialogue = communion with the living Earth

Our Gaialogues began in 2006 with the intention of exploring “what is it like to be in sacred communion with our living Earth?”  Through remembering ancestral lines of experience and vision that created cultures of wonder and awe, we see a universal spirituality and ethics emerging based on care and partnership for people and planet.  The seeds of future are to be found in the ancestral soul – the primitive soul. 

After 600 episodes, we continue to provide these intimate conversations to the public for free.  Listen and contribute to this community of voices who speak about our connection and partnership with the living Earth.

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Apart of Me

Apart of Me

Louis Weinstock speaks with Joanna about: the shadow side of modern Western culture; the invisible harms of addictive technologies and social media on our children and young people; unplugging ourselves from the distraction economy to meet our uncomfortable feelings and truths; designing a new service for creating communities for young people experiencing grief; human beings are wired to meet face to face; finding ways of connecting the on-line word to the off-line word; transforming our emotional experience into compassionate action in the world; a new remembering of unconditional love; “Apart of Me”, a free app that helps young people through bereavement; “I am enough”.

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Incarnating the Unknown Future

Incarnating the Unknown Future

John Woodcock speaks with Joanna about: the disconnect that is killing us; enduring the purification process by the Mother; the undoing of the heroic consciousness; the emergence of “living thinking” from the future; bringing the new, including the darkness; Salvador Dali and the fluidity of a new reality; the sacred speech of Nature; the new language of the poetic mind; ”deliverance will come from a storm of light”; welcoming darkness with love; human love and the grief and despair of the Goddess; birthing the future within us.

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Your Medicine Chest

Your Medicine Chest

Linda Burnham speaks with Joanna about: the head center as a place of spiritual liberation; our greatest wholeness; the complexity of healing; the natural energies of your hands and heart; the divine impulse in all living things; touching in a sacred manner; “your medicine chest”, medicines in your pantry; a natural remedy for concussions and bruises; the living experience of healing.

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From Growing Up to Growing Down

From Growing Up to Growing Down

Timothy Morton speaks with Joanna about: appreciating different time scales is part of ecological awareness; we are realizing we are part of the planet by despoiling it; acknowledging the fear of mass extinction; the convulsive power of beauty; the interdependence of ecological health and mental health; don’t grow up, grow down; living in an ambiguous, spooky and beautiful world; fakeness, truth, and the forces of oppression; the quivering quality of being alive.

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Nourishing an Emergent Reality

Nourishing an Emergent Reality

adrienne maree brown speaks with Joanna about: a social justice and liberation activism that feels good; punitive justice versus transformative justice; mercy and seeing the whole of the person; giving ourselves permission to feel everything; nourishing communities allow for a new future; emergent strategy immersions; a key insight of both pleasure activism and emergent strategies; changing the world through small and consistent actions; a way to overcome our guilt; developing a future where whiteness is not at the center; the conversation between black communities and indigenous communities; being willing to work deep at a small scale and build up.

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Asking the Right Questions

Asking the Right Questions

Daniel Christian Wahl speaks with Joanna about: the feeling behind creating regenerative cultures; the potential of the present moment; the paradox between humility and audacity; the key question about human survival; connecting young people with the living practices of regeneration; acting in urgent times with hope and knowledge; changing the underlying narrative of our culture; feeling the identity with the deep mycelial connection; how we see informs what we see; coming together in planetary collaboration to transform our way of being; sitting with a question in the wilderness.

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Bringing Breath to Life

Bringing Breath to Life

Will Johnson speaks with Joanna about: Rumi and the practice of eye gazing; remembering the great wide open throught the felt presence of body and breathing; cannabis, an ally in waking up the vibratory presence of the body; cannabis and the spontaneous dance of Shiva; surrendering to breath and awakening the body; the real value of entheogens; the holding pattern of the egoic mind in the body; breath as the common practice to experience the sacred in the three Abrahamic traditions; Buddha’s instruction for breathing through the whole body; the somatic, palpable experience of oneness of the founders of monotheistic religions; a somatic meditation.

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The Genesis of Now

The Genesis of Now

Richard Doyle speaks with Joanna about: a life-changing meeting with ayahuasca; transcendental experiences in the classroom; the hijacking of nondual experience by institutionalized religion; detoxifying the patriarchal missapropriation of the Bible; a journey to discover our essential unity with the Divine; reading a text with complicity like a weaving and a dancing; “look within and find your inner banana peel”; remembering our radical intimacy with each other; the joyful work of claiming our freedom.

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Diamonds from Heaven

Diamonds from Heaven

Chris Bache speaks with Joanna about: the straightforward description of a 20 year journey working with LSD following Stanislav Grof’s protocol; the process of writing down a cosmological adventure; in service of the Great Mother; the meaning of suffering in deep psychedelic exploration and in our evolutionary journey; one of the strongest and recurring themes in this exploration; humanity is approaching a collective awakening; we are built for accelerated evolution, the birth of the Diamond Soul and the Future Human; communing with the mystery of the Beloved; the connection between cosmic love and living oneness; reincarnation and the Diamond Soul; becoming a conscious participant with the mind of the Earth.

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