Gaialogues Archive

gaialogue = communion with the living Earth

Our Gaialogues began in 2006 with the intention of exploring “what is it like to be in sacred communion with our living Earth?”  Through remembering ancestral lines of experience and vision that created cultures of wonder and awe, we see a universal spirituality and ethics emerging based on care and partnership for people and planet.  The seeds of future are to be found in the ancestral soul – the primitive soul. 

After 600 episodes, we continue to provide these intimate conversations to the public for free.  Listen and contribute to this community of voices who speak about our connection and partnership with the living Earth.

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A Vital Paradigm for the Future

A Vital Paradigm for the Future

Thomas Roberts speaks with Joanna about: a course on “psychedelic renaissance”; “mindapps” and “mind design”; psychedelics as “ideagens”; the religious use of psychedelics and a new religious reformation; multi-state theory of the human mind, problem-solving and development in different mindbody states; other forms of intelligence in other mindbody states; rare, unusual, even impossible things for our ordinary mindbody state might be symptoms of a deeper and wider reality; mystical experiences and the increase of psychophysical wellness; ayahuasca takes the lead; transcendence is the real healing.

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Gaia and Psyche

Gaia and Psyche

Andrew Fellows speaks with Joanna about: Anthropocene, the damage we are inflicting to the planet; the paralel between James Lovelock’s Gaia theory and Carl Jung’s theory of the psyche; the panpsychist view, on the rise; identifying the 3 mechanisms that block our transition to a regenerative culture; discovering Deep Ecology; the unique quest for wholeness, not perfection; the ecological religion of shinto; numinous encounters in Japan and Peru; psychedelics and the profound affinity for trees; evil as absence of goodness versus active principle; the essence of frugality; Brexit, the denial mode of nostalgia; the Chinese story of the bird that grew bigger and bigger..; unus mundus, the underlying unity of mind and matter; the wall of patriarchy and the rebalancing of the feminine, Greta Thunberg, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jacinta Arden; ecological crisis and meaningful suffering; joining the dots of individuation and deep ecology.

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The First Psychedelic

The First Psychedelic

Mike Jay speaks with Joanna about: a history of the first psychedelic; a long history before Aldous Huxley’s “The Doors of Perception”: Chavín de Huántar, in the Peruvian Andes; the difference between Western approaches and indigenous approaches to these plants; collective, ecstatic bonding; the difference between Huxley and Sartre experiences with mescaline; being with the transfigured world, here and now; Merleau’Ponty and the embodied psychedelic experience; the difference between mescaline and the other psychedelics; the male bias in the Western psychedelic literature; a new generation of women in the psychedelic world; finding a solution beyond the war on drugs; meeting the plants in their own terms.

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Our Maternal Lineage

Our Maternal Lineage

Cathy Skipper and Florian Birkmayer speak with Joanna about: the need for healing our ancestral story; plant communication and ancestral lineage; the feminine rising in the embodied energy of our mother lineage; finding out who we are beyond trauma; the alchemy of menopause; the wounding of the feminine in men; the healing of the masculine and feminine in relationship; the synchronistic dance of working with the shadow and finding ancestral information; reconnecting with the palpable, nurturing earth energy of our ancestors.

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Finding A Way Home Together

Finding A Way Home Together

Dougald Hine speaks with Joanna about: the genesis of the Dark Mountain project and the manifesto “Uncivilization”; facing the darkness about climate change and going beyond; recovering a sense of how to be a shelter to each other; facing the shadow of cultural poverty in our wealthy culture and finding a way home together; the everyday practice of hospitality and conviviality; the sacred emerging in a space that allows the articulation of darkness and despair; cultural rupture and prophetic words; the future begins at a shared table; imagination, politics and the unfinished struggle in our hearts; a hope that lies in the far side of despair; remembering the truth of initiation into adulthood as a culture.

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The Path of Primordial Light

The Path of Primordial Light

Zvi Ish-Shalom speaks with Joanna about: the vast ground of our primordial nature; the direct experience of the Mystery itself; words and the mysticism of sound; healing together the scroll of humankind; his most profound experience of compassion; we are cells of the Earth being; waking up and waking down, the two poles of the spiritual path; the Celestial Mother and the journey of the individual soul; the Path of Primordial Light.

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El Tiempo Está Vivo

El Tiempo Está Vivo

Gabriela Jurosz-Landa habla con Joanna acerca de:: una temprana afinidad con la cultura Maya; otra concepción del tiempo en la cultura Maya…y en la antigua cultura europea; el trágico resultado de la desconexión con la naturaleza en la cultura occidental; el calendario Maya Cholqui’j; el sentido cualitativo del tiempo; el día de nuestro nacimiento tiene una resonancia energética concreta con la naturaleza; todo está vivo y comunica con nosotros; “el que conoce su pasado conoce su futuro”; vivir armonizados con la esencia original.

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The Aliveness of Time

The Aliveness of Time

Gabriela Jurosz-Landa speaks with Joanna about: the cycles of time and 2012; the concrete, qualitative aliveness of time for the Maya culture; the day we were born determines our animal guardian vibration; a vivid , rich ecology of time; transcendence and transformation through Nature, prayer and vibrant ceremony; communicating with the qualities of time; the initiation process to becoming a Maya daycounter; asking for wisdom from the numinous forces; opening doors through lifting our heart; the place of women in Maya culture and spirituality; opening to new possibilities as a human beings.

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A Bursting Heart

A Bursting Heart

Janelle Hardy speaks with Joanna about: breaking through the resistance to write; getting older and letting go of perfectionism; a bursting heart; discovering the mythologies that we’ve been raised in; the taboo of the sensuous; the inarticulate belief systems we inherit; support of the body for writing; an ancestral visitation; lessons from doing carpentry work; tapping into the foundation of those who came before us; the tale of the seal woman, sensitivity and navigating between two worlds.

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