Awakening the Original Instructions

Awakening the Original Instructions

For the last 26 years, tracker and author Jon Young has been mentoring folks in the nearly lost art of understanding bird and animal language, connecting people with Nature to inspire global and personal regeneration. Just as science is beginning to see the credibility in this ancient skill, Jon has been leading communities world-wide to get these skills back through lectures, workshops, media—but mostly through training and mentoring, based on a lifetime of...
A Felt Sense of Wholeness

A Felt Sense of Wholeness

Philip Shepherd has a passion for adventure and exploration that has guided him for most of his life. At 18 it took him from his native Canada to cycle alone around the world through Europe, the Middle East, Iran, India and Japan. But that trip, adventurous as it was, merely expressed a commitment to a more crucial adventure – coming  to understand the subtle and often hidden aspects of our culture that affect us all, compromising our sense of self, our connection...
The Deep Movement of Life

The Deep Movement of Life

Stephen Busby works internationally as a visionary leader and teacher to help people fulfill their life-potential and to facilitate new forms of cultural emergence. He is one of Thomas Hübl’s senior associates and has a coaching, consulting and healing practice ( Stephen travels widely and is based at the Findhorn Community in Scotland, and in northern Switzerland. His work has developed over 30 years with people, communities and...
Deep Change

Deep Change

Dr. Susan P. Plummer is the director of the Santa Barbara Alliance for Living and Dying Well, a consortium of major end of life care services and providers in the Santa Barbara area. Also a licensed psychotherapist, she has had a part time private practice for over 25 years. Starting at a very young age, Dr. Plummer had a curiosity about other dimensions. This grew into a passionate lifetime interest in experiences of major life transitions, which she began to...
Remembering Our Humanity

Remembering Our Humanity

Julian Rose is one of the pioneers of UK organic farming, commencing the conversion of his farm in 1975. He joined the Soil Association board in 1984 and campaigned vigorously for the widespread introduction of organic farming methods at a time when this system was not known. Julian went on to develop his farm as a mixed organic enterprise selling all its main produce locally, while refusing to sell to supermarkets. He developed a theory of local production and...
Rewilding Our Hearts

Rewilding Our Hearts

Marc Bekoff is a former Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and is a Fellow of the Animal Behavior Society and a past Guggenheim Fellow. He has received, among other awards, the Exemplar Award from the Animal Behavior Society for major long-term contributions to the field of animal behavior. Marc is also an ambassador for Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots program, in which he works with students of all ages,...
Supported By A Loving Wisdom

Supported By A Loving Wisdom

Gary Sherman has been a psychotherapist and teacher of meditation and self-awareness for over thirty-five years. Currently, Gary is an educator and teacher, who is committed to exploring our deepest human potential and translating the results into practical knowledge that can be used to elevate our lives. His present work embodies the educational process, called Perceptual Integration that he developed for training others in becoming self-aware. Ellen Miller has...
The Present Movement

The Present Movement

Philip Shepherd has a passion for adventure and exploration that has guided him for most of his life. At 18 it took him from his native Canada to cycle alone around the world through Europe, the Middle East, Iran, India and Japan. But that trip, adventurous as it was, merely expressed a commitment to a more crucial adventure – coming  to understand the subtle and often hidden aspects of our culture that affect us all, compromising our sense of self, our connection...
A Scream for Unconditional Love

A Scream for Unconditional Love

This is a candid and intimate interview with Dr. Gabor Maté. A renowned speaker, and bestselling author, Dr. Gabor Maté is highly sought after for his expertise on a range of topics including addiction, stress and childhood development. Rather than offering quick-fix solutions to these complex issues, Dr. Maté weaves together scientific research, case histories, and his own insights and experience to present a broad perspective that enlightens and empowers people...
The Light-giving Language/El Lenguaje Que Da Luz

The Light-giving Language/El Lenguaje Que Da Luz

Américo Yábar is a poet, writer, founder of the poetic movement Salk’a (free energy, non-domesticated) that connects all the beings of the Pachamama and the infinite spaces of the cosmos. For many years, Américo has been doing mountain therapies , dedicated to the research and dissemination of contemporary and old ways. He was born and lives in the Andes mountains. In those illuminated, high immensities, with a clear identification with the Pachamama in a...