A Good Foundation for Reality

A Good Foundation for Reality

In this week’s episode Starr Goode speaks with Joanna about: Sheela na gig, a mysterious female figure of sacred display; the healing and protection of Sheela na gig, from Medieval times to Paleolithic cave art; the primordial, revered symbol of the ever-renewing Life Force; the life-restoring, evil stopping powers of the displayed vulva in myth and history; the political and social reclamation of the word “pussy”; the contemporary emergence of...
The Conscious Use of Electromagnetic Radiation

The Conscious Use of Electromagnetic Radiation

In this week’s episode Michael Blanshan speaks with Joanna about: researching the health hazards of electromagnetic radiation (E.M.R.) exposure on humans; the Santa Fe Alliance for Public Health and Safety; blanketing the cities with high electromagnetic signals without safe zones, a national issue; being conscious about using the new wireless technologies; the possibility of destroying the aesthetic look of the City Different; the exponential increase of...
A Love That Heals

A Love That Heals

In this week’s episode Lee Irwin speaks with Joanna about: the Hermetic Christ and the diversity of loving expression; the spiritual freedom of joy; participating in multiple spiritual communities; towards a full integration of the Feminine in spiritual traditions; the Divine Feminine and the tradition of Sophia; the emerging horizon in spirituality; supporting creative change in these times of polarization; cultivating the state of “good mind and...
The Gentleness of an Ancient Ally

The Gentleness of an Ancient Ally

In this week’s episode Stephen Gray speaks with Joanna about: reclaiming the wise use of a spiritual medicine and ally; cannabis and the rebalancing of Western culture; Santo Daime and Santa María, a return to the Earth Mysteries; the American demonization of cannabis; physical and psychic benefits of cannabis; becoming fully present to a wider reality through heart-centered intelligence; exploring cannabis and yoga; planting the seed of intention in a...
The Resilience of Joy

The Resilience of Joy

In this week’s episode Jodie Evans speaks with Joanna about: Standing Rock, experiencing a supportive community rooted in prayer and ceremony;  an activism of yes, called to be a protector; a spreading web of spiritual connection; being part of the caring and peace economy; tapping into the power of Life; together we can re-member; active uprising of the feminine; finding answers in the space of vulnerability and connection; practicing how to be allies in...
Complexity is a Love Story

Complexity is a Love Story

In this week’s episode Nora Bateson speaks with Joanna about: The International Bateson Institute in Sweden, studying the complexity of life; the freedom of opening up to multiplicity; a lifetime of cultivating wisdom; articulating the ways of interdependence and interrelationship of life; science is not neutral; choosing complexity over reductionism; remembering the origins of a holistic science, the Macy Conferences; finding the intimacy within the...