On the Trail of Ayahuasca

On the Trail of Ayahuasca

In this week’s episode Dennis McKenna speaks at the Synergetic Symposium & Salon “Earth Consciousness and Lore of the Amazon”. These “Conversations on Ayahuasca, Ethnomedicine and the Biospheric Imperative” were held at Synergia Ranch in Santa Fe, New Mexico, on Wednesday 6 April, 2016. Dennis McKenna describes in a candid and humorous talk the journey to La Chorrera with his brother Terence, and a lifetime of research and...
Living to Know

Living to Know

In this week’s episode Gay Dillingham speaks with Joanna about: inter-generational conversations about what really matters; practising ego-death to live more fully; reactions to “Dying to Know”; beyond the screen, connecting the audience to itself; the human craving to explore; personal to political, manifesting our inner mind; waking up to the interconnected truth; seeing ourselves in the big biological cycle.   Gay Dillingham started...
The Freedom of Inner Knowing

The Freedom of Inner Knowing

In this week’s episode Catherine Shainberg speaks with Joanna about “reversing”, a great kabbalistic technique; the primordial language of images, rooted in the body; plunging into the subconscious for healing and growth; we are dreaming all the time; “dream opening” groups, exploring together the language of dreams; an exercise about how the images move the body; “Dreambirth”, having a good pregnancy and birth; a soul...
Other Words from Other Worlds

Other Words from Other Worlds

In this week’s episode Neşe Devenot speaks with Joanna about chemical poetics; the Timothy Leary archives; Leary’s “High Priest” and Sasha Shulgin’s “PIHKAL”, reflecting on the meaning of te psychedelic experience; psychedelics and pushing the boundaries of language; the the new science of Ecstatics; nitrous oxide and Romantic poetry; Richard Doyle’s Ecodelics, the revelation of interconnectedness; natural,...
The Carbon Farming Solution

The Carbon Farming Solution

In this week’s episode Eric Toensmeier speaks with Joanna about: the climate change and its ecological and human impact; the ancestral inspiration of permaculture; restoring the landscape and its connection to people; key questions in cultivating your garden; the challenge of permaculture, today; carbon farming, a toolbox of practices and perennial crops that can mitigate climate change; Las Cañadas in Veracruz, Mexico, a model of ecological cooperative;...
Embodying the True Masculine

Embodying the True Masculine

In this week’s episode Thomas Jaggers and Patrick Anderson speak with Joanna about survival, safety, and intimacy; the strength of vulnerability; the roots of homophobia; the historic repression of male expressions of love and affection; the potential for masculine and feminine qualities within us all; attuning to the body, preventing violence; the capacity to hold our woundedness; the cultural imperative for developing male violence; cultivating  a reverent...