Communing with the Living Language

Communing with the Living Language

In this week’s episode Andrea Mathieson speaks with Joanna about: a prophetic invitation to work with the plants; listening to the pulse of life; learning an enlivened language of poetic connection; flower essences: an open door to the resonance of heart-knowing with Nature; communing with snake energy; reenchanting ourselves; using sound as a homeopathic frequency for healing people and the land; singing with Gaia: EarthSong Mysteries. Andrea Mathieson is...
Reclaiming Food as a Commons

Reclaiming Food as a Commons

In this week’s episode, Vandana Shiva speaks with Joanna before her lecture “We are all seeds of abundance and creativity”, organized by the Sustainability Studies Program at UNM on October 13, 2015.   Vandana Shiva, a world-renowned environmental thinker, activist, physicist, feminist, philosopher of science, writer and science policy advocate, is the Director of The Research Foundation for Science, technology and Natural Resource Policy....
The Offering of Each Moment

The Offering of Each Moment

In this week’s episode Tina Benson speaks with Joanna about: the magnificent journey home to oneself; speaking about childhood wounds; an overwhelming experience of unconditional love; the connection between the inner and outer lover; the rapture of longing; towards a spiritual eroticism; reaching behind the veil, where the magic happens; ecstatic sensory awareness; the enlightenment of everyday life.   Tina Benson is a modern-day Soul Whisperer and...
The Splendor of Every Breath

The Splendor of Every Breath

In this week’s episode, William Searle speaks with Joanna about: a personal ecology; the body-Earth relationship; a pilgrimage to sacred mountains in Japan; the ineffable, here and now; waking up together to the sacredness of Nature; the opening of the heart and the temple of everyday existence; an ecstatic experience in the mountains of Snowdonia; “living one sense at a time, all the way through”.   William Henry Searle, Ph.D., born 1987,...
Zach Leary speaks with Joanna Leary

Zach Leary speaks with Joanna Leary

In this week’s episode Zach Leary speaks with Joanna about: “who are you now?”; a student of life; remembering Timothy Leary: an evolutionary futurist; the amazement of being alive; a visionary of social and media culture; approaching the yoga of love and devotion; discovering the sacredness of the land; the mystery of waking frmo from self-imposed suffering; Bill Wilson and Timothy Leary; technology and spirituality.   Zach Leary is a...
Blessing the Earth with Beauty

Blessing the Earth with Beauty

Faith Nolton speaks with Joanna about: the creative process, risk and trust; becoming artist and discovering a wider reality; how we come into balance through the fire of creativity; visionary art: dancing between the spirit world and the everyday reality; healing through sacred art; the courage of coming back to creativity; weaving living symbols and personal stories; intention and working with Spirit(s); everybody can bless the Earth with creative acts; healing...