Holding the Light Together

Holding the Light Together

In this week’s episode Thanissara speaks with Joanna about: Standing Rock, a historic gathering under the guidance of indigenous wisdom; standing up for the sacredness of Nature; a huge wake up call for all of us; a new kind of activism and community-based citizen resistance; feeling the wound of separation from the Earth; finding our way through the authenticity of anger; the planet need us to protect it; reclaiming the sacred feminine and healing the...
The Dance of Grief and Joy

The Dance of Grief and Joy

In this week’s episode, Carolyn Baker speaks with Joanna about: understanding the context of the latest American election; Standing Rock, example of sacred activism; inner and outer activism; the safe circle; the five gates of grief; return to radical joy; the shadow magnet of our time; reconnection is a two-way street; we must resist the possibility of a 21st century fascism; the way of developing resilience. A former psychotherapist and professor of...
A Talk About the Rooted People

A Talk About the Rooted People

In this week’s episode we can listen to the talk “A Native American View on the Rooted People”, delivered by Steve Stonearrow at the Biodynamic Association Conference in Santa Fe, Saturday, November 19, 2016. “Native Americans believe that all living things have Spirits. In this teaching, we will seek to understand their relationship to us. Each plant’s unique Spirit helps us to learn more about the world as a whole.” Steve...
The Transformative Power of Nature

The Transformative Power of Nature

In this week’s episode Alex Seymour speaks with Joanna about: searching for soul healing, from Afghanistan to the Amazon; a life-changing, spiritual experience through DMT; psychedelics and loosing the fear of death; exploring the unknown territory of the psyche; initiation to Mother Ayahuasca; a mythic voyage; rites of passage and masculinity; the feminine force of the planet; being born to compassion and empathy; power versus force. Alex Seymour enlisted...
The Crossroads of the Unexpected

The Crossroads of the Unexpected

In this week’s episode Michael Garfied and Joanna in an exquisite conversation about paradox, intensity, casuality and the art of fun.   Paleontologist turned performance philosopher, Michael Garfield’s ecodelic explorations map the evolutionary landscape and our place in it. A contributor to Reality Sandwich & H+ Magazine, a speaker at Burning Man and innumerable other festivals events, and an internet video evangelist for planetary...
A Culture Without Coercion

A Culture Without Coercion

In this week’s episode Moe Zimmerberg and Iku Fujimatsu speak with Joanna about: the global democratic school movement; hierarchy, control and separation from Nature; city kids rediscovering nature; diversity and commonality of the democratic schools around the world; consensus process versus voting in democratic schools; awareness andthe right use of power; an important distinction between structure and coercion; a student of Tutorial school shares his...